If you set a computer for auto logon, anyone who can physically obtain access to the
computer can gain access to all of the computer contents, including any network or
networks it is connected to. In addition, if you enable autologon, the password is stored in
the registry in plaintext. The specific registry key that stores this value is remotely
readable by the Authenticated Users group.
As a result, this setting is only appropriate for cases where the computer is physically
secured, and steps have been taken to ensure that untrusted users cannot remotely access
the registry.
1. Start/Run/Regedit, and then locate the following registry subkey:
2. Using your account name and password, double-click the DefaultUserName entry, type
your user name, and then click
3. Double-click the DefaultPassword entry, type your password, and then click OK.
computer can gain access to all of the computer contents, including any network or
networks it is connected to. In addition, if you enable autologon, the password is stored in
the registry in plaintext. The specific registry key that stores this value is remotely
readable by the Authenticated Users group.
As a result, this setting is only appropriate for cases where the computer is physically
secured, and steps have been taken to ensure that untrusted users cannot remotely access
the registry.
1. Start/Run/Regedit, and then locate the following registry subkey:
2. Using your account name and password, double-click the DefaultUserName entry, type
your user name, and then click
3. Double-click the DefaultPassword entry, type your password, and then click OK.
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