It is a 100% safe and free method to hide a file or folder from others in your system without
using any application.For this ,open dos prompt and type:
For Hide:
X:\> attrib +a +r +s +h foldername /s /d [enter]
For unhide:
X:\> attrib -a -r -s -h foldername /s /d [enter]
X= x is location for our folder in hard disk.
If hide protected operating system option is uncheck in folder option, victim can see ur files
so disable folder options feature by this file
using any application.For this ,open dos prompt and type:
For Hide:
X:\> attrib +a +r +s +h foldername /s /d [enter]
For unhide:
X:\> attrib -a -r -s -h foldername /s /d [enter]
X= x is location for our folder in hard disk.
If hide protected operating system option is uncheck in folder option, victim can see ur files
so disable folder options feature by this file
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